In order to deploy and upgrade the IT infrastructure, a Lab Monitoring Committee identified as Lab Quality Assurance Cell (LQAC) has been formed. This committee works towards the efficient, effective and smooth conduction of the computer Labs.
1. Up gradation of computer hardware and software as and when it’s required.
2. Maintenance, Monitoring and Expansion.
Roles & Responsibilities of LQAC
1. Physical verification of the Computer lab (hardware and software).
2. Regular Interaction with the lab assistants regarding various issues/suggestions.
3. Maintenance of Monthly Lab Status Report.
4. Maintenance of the lab and lab notice board
5. Consistently working towards the improvisation of the Lab.
LQAC Committee
Faculty Lab Coordinator : Mr. S.K. Pandey
Lab Assistants: Mr. Sanjay Sinha, Mr. Khoobi Ram, Mr. Abhijit, Mr. Ravinder, Mr. Raj Kumar and Mr. Akhilesh