Institute of Innovation in Technology & Management is committed to providing a safe, fair, and harmonious learning and work environment. Grievance Redressal Committee was set up at the Institute of Innovation in Technology & Management in accordance with the University Grants Commission regulations 2012 (The Gazette of India, March 25-29, 2015) for handling day-to-day grievances related to students. Grievance Redressal Committee facilitates the resolution of grievances in a fair and impartial manner involving the respective Dept, Office (dealing with the substantive function connected with the grievance), maintaining necessary confidentiality, as the case may be. It is guided by the principles of natural justice while redressing the grievances. The committee will consider only formal grievances. Students with a grievance may approach the Grievance Redressal Committee members in person. In case the person is unwilling to appear in person, grievances may be dropped in writing at the Complaint Suggestion box. Students may also represent their grievances through student representatives or via email at
Online Grievance Handling Form:
- To ensure a fair, impartial, and consistent mechanism for redressal of varied issues faced by the students.
- To uphold the dignity of the Institute by promoting cordial Student-Student and Student-Teacher relationships.
- To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among the students, thereby maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in the Institute.
- To ensure that grievances are resolved promptly, objectively, sensitively, and in complete confidentiality.
Committee Members
- Dr. Geetali Banerji – Chairperson (9555217983)
- Dr. Narinder – Convener (9667263726)
- Dr. Renu Sharma – Member (9717552406)
- Dr. Mohita Mathur – Member (9718391155)
- Dr. Shefali – Member (8800522898)
Student Representatives
S.No. | Name | Class | Year | ContactNo. |
1 | Nishant Kumar | BCA | I | 9649562784 |
2 | Ansh | BCA | I | 9599404364 |
3 | Vineet Pandey | BCA | I | 8766236791 |
4 | Naina Aggarwal | BCA | II | 8076850511 |
5 | MuskanTyagi | BCA | II | 7827534880 |
6 | Perepa Surya Ayush | BCA | II | 8860166456 |
7 | NitinBhandari | BCA | III | 9311636063 |
8 | DilmeetSingh | BCA | III | 9354926603 |
9 | Harsh | BCA | III | 7414806604 |
10 | Nitya | B.Com(H) | I | 8882440785 |
11 | Shaurya Vats | B.Com(H) | II | 7703948728 |
12 | KritiNarang | B.Com(H) | II | 7703940169 |
13 | RohitKumar | B.Com(H) | III | 8527800119 |
14 | Kunal Garg | BBA | I | 9821616727 |
15 | Darvesh | BBA | I | 9024791813 |
16 | Dhruv | BBA | I | 9311635896 |
17 | Prashant Balu | BBA | I | 6909045037 |
18 | Lokesh Chopra | BBA | II | 9971975761 |
19 | Mayank Jain | BBA | II | 9968618709 |
20 | Neeraj Chand | BBA | II | 9310253363 |
21 | Sehajbir Singh | BBA | II | 8368791081 |
22 | DeepakSangtani | BBA | III | 9971583602 |
23 | JaanviKhetwani | BBA | III | 9289255255 |
24 | IshitaAggarwal | BBA | III | 9999204378 |
Specialty | Name | Contact | Availability | Timings | Location |
Psychologist | Ms. Preeti Mehra | 8750600315 | Monday – Saturday | 9:30 am to 5:30 pm | Basement Faculty Room |
Psychiatrist (On-Call) | Dr. Deepak Gupta | Ganga Ram Hospital | On call basis | — | — |
Clinical Psychologist | Dr. Renu Bhatia | N/A | Friday | 10:30 am to 11:30 pm | Ground Floor, Cabin No. 1 |
Any student who wants to initiate a grievance may first bring the issue to the notice of the Mentor/Programme Director/Head of the respective department/office, who will address the issue and try to resolve it within 7 working days of the receipt of the grievance.
If, there is no response within the stipulated time from the respective department/office or student is dissatisfied with response/resolution to his/her grievance, then he/she is free to represent his/her grievance to the Grievance Redressal Committee.
- Formal Registration:Any aggrieved student with a genuine grievance will submit his/her Grievance in any of the following modes:
- via e-mail at “”
- grievances may be dropped in writing at the Complaint/Suggestion box
- represent their grievances through student representatives
- may approach the Grievance Redressal Committee Members in person
- Acknowledgement: The Grievance Redressal Committee acknowledges the receipt of each grievance complainant immediately. In the case of e-mail at “ sender will receive an instant auto reply acknowledging the receipt of his/her e-mail.
- Forwarding: Upon receipt of grievance the Grievance Redressal Committee shall analyze, and forward the grievance to the respective department/office/individual (dealing with the substantive function linked with the grievance) requesting them to enquire into the grievance and redress within such period as may be specified, not exceeding 7 days from the receipt of grievance complaint.
- Follow Up & Monitoring: Grievance Redressal Committee shall coordinate, monitor and ensure redressal within the stipulated time. Depending up on the seriousness of grievance the Grievance Redressal Committee will follow them up regularly till their final disposal by way of reminders.
- Scruitiny: Grievance Redressal Committee will make a thorough review of the redressal process. In case the committee feels satisfied with the resolution provided by the respective department/office/individual, then it will intimate the same to the student. Once the student indicates acceptance of the resolution at this level, then the matter is deemed
General Guidelines:
- Timeframe:It shall be the endeavour of the Grievance Redressal Committee to ensure redressal/disposal of every grievance within a period of one month of the receipt of application/grievance complaint.
- Prohibition against Retaliation:Institute will strictly prohibit retaliation against any grievant, witness, or any other participant in the grievance redressal process by reason of such participation. Any concerns about the retaliation related to this process should be disclosed by the party to the Grievance Redressal Committee via
- Alternative avenues for redressal of grievances:Although all students may avail themselves of this procedure towards resolving their grievances, they can also try to resolve issues informally – if they believe that an informal resolution is possible at their department/Office level.
Exclusions:The following complaints/grievances shall not be construed by the Grievance Redressal Committee for consideration and disposal:
- Complaints involving policy matters.
- Decisions with regard to the award of Fellowships, fee concessions, medals, etc.
- Decisions by competent authority on assessment and examination result/ revaluation or remarking of answer sheets.
- Anonymous and frivolous complaints will not be entertained/processed
GGSIPU Grievance Redressal Committee
GGSIPU Advisory under clause 3(ii)(d) of Statute 24 of the University
GGSIPU Directions issued under clause 3(ii)(d) of Statute 24 of University
Grievance Redressal Committee Sensitization Drive
Student Representatives for Grievance Redressal Committee
Elected Student Representatives from First year BCA/BBA/B.Com (H) for Grievance Redressal Committee